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QHSUA is interested in providing education and research on substance use and mental health related topics to the community. If you have a topic you’re interested in learning more about, email Maegan Boutot, our epidemiologist at mboutot (at) townofware (dot) com.

If you’re 19+ and live, work, or spend a lot of time in the Quabbin region/ Quaboag Hills region, you may be eligible for our survey and to be entered into a drawing for participation! Link to survey:

Our documents

School surveys

Every two years, we work with local school districts and students to help learn about student health.

Community and parent/guardian surveys

We run surveys with the larger QHSUA community as well as specifically with parents/guardians.

Results from the 2021-2022 Community Survey

Other documents

One page review of how alcohol pricing affects consumption (PDF): QHSUA_AlcoholPriceReview

One page review on the health effects of high potency cannabis: QHSUA_HighPotencyCannabisReview

Recommended resources
National Institute of Health’s HEALing Communities Resources

From 2021 to 2023, the National Institute of Health worked with local experts in Ware and Belchertown to conduct one part of the HEALing Communities study. Here are some informational documents from the project:
(i)Medications for Opioid Use Disorder saves lives: English, Spanish
(ii) Carry naloxone. Help save a life: English, Spanish
(iii) Opioid use disorder and addiction are treatable: English, Spanish
(iv) Stand up to stigma: English, Spanish
(v) Treatment and recovery for addiction: English, Spanish

Break the Stigma Campaign 
Substance Use Disorder, like cancer and diabetes, is a chronic disease and should be treated like one. Unfortunately getting treatment for the disorder is stigmatized, keeping people from seeking help. Today the opioid crisis is killing people in Western Mass at an alarming rate. Help “break the stigma” – get the facts on substance use disorder and Narcan, and find treatment options and related resources. The difference could mean life or death of a loved one. Visit their site for more information:
For substance use:

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)

The Tobacco Education Resource Library from the US FDA

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) from the US HHS

One Choice – a program designed to help students choose to not use any substances before they turn 21. It’s easier just to make one choice!